Tuesday, May 8, 2012

An Interview with Team Marathon

It occurred to me over the weekend that I there is no "I" in marathon (or "theater" or "53 plays" or "audience." No, wait -- there's one.)

I will not be the only one sacrificing to help me reach my goal here. My husband Matt (not a theater guy himself) will be sacrificing too: he will be spending the 10 hours I will be watching theater taking care of all of our kids. By himself. I asked him about it:

Me:  Thanks for letting me interview you.

Matt:  I thought we were just having dinner.

Me:  No, it's an interview.

Matt:  Oh. Should I stop eating?

Me:  No, it's cool. I'll edit out the chewing sounds.

(sounds of chewing).

Me:  So, I wanted to talk to you about my marathon.

Matt:  Couldn't be prouder of you if you were running a real marathon. Like I did. In 2007. In Dublin. With my actual feet.

Me:  Thanks. But you'll be doing this marathon with me, in a way, right?

Matt:  How so?

Me:  You'll be taking care of the kids that day.

Matt:  Whew, for a second there I thought I had to go to the... Wait. What?

Me:  On the 20th. While I'll be watching theater from 12:00 - 10:00, you'll have the kids for the day.

Matt:  Good god. I did not think of that.

Me:  Yep. That's lunch, dinner, naps, baths and bedtimes for all three.

Matt:  Three? When did we get three?

Me:  September.

Matt:  There's been three this whole time?

Me:  Yes.

Matt:  Wow.

Me:  How many did you think we had?

Matt:  I thought we had two, but they just, you know, moved really fast.

Me:  Nope. Three.

Matt:  Damn. Maybe I should start a blog and collect donations for a babysitter.

Me:  I've heard worse ideas.

So, as you can see: our whole team is on board! How about you? Have you donated yet?

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